Who oversees CHIPS?
The success of CHIPS depends on all its members working together. Specifically, a Board of Directors is responsible for operating and overseeing the safety and efficiency of CHIPS. The Board is elected from memberships yearly. All members are invited to attend our annual general meeting, participate in the upcoming election, and consider becoming a Director to help ensure CHIPS' success in the coming year. All members will be notified of any General Meetings via our “Members Section” on our website and will be posted on the Members Information Board at CHIPS.
How does CHIPS support itself?
CHIPS is a non-profit society registered with the Province of Alberta. Membership fees, drop-in fees, and donations pay for office supplies, expenses, community events, and promotions. In the past, CHIPS has used other fundraising methods to buy more toys or equipment. CHIPS hosts fundraisers at the board's discretion to help supplement their operational costs.
What if I have a complaint or a suggestion about CHIPS?
Your input is welcomed! Please fill out the feedback form that can be found on this website under the “Information Section”. You can also e-mail us at info@chipswetaskiwin.com.
How do I know what is going on at CHIPS?
Follow us on Facebook (Children’s Indoor Play Society CHIPS) and Instagram (chipswetaskiwin) . These accounts are our primary source of communication with the community. We also have a website at www.chipswetaskiwin.com, which will be updated as needed.
Who does the cleanup of the toys?
We encourage children and parents to help tidy up the toys after using them and before closing time. During our open hours, we will regularly sanitize toys. Your help in cleaning while supervising your children would be greatly appreciated.
What do I do when I arrive at CHIPS?
Both parents and children are required to wear indoor footwear or socks while at CHIPS. Coats and boots should be neatly put near the door or in the provided lockers for daily use. There is a sign-in sheet at the front office for you to sign in every time you come to CHIPS. Please record the number of children under your supervision, mainly for insurance. A volunteer will always be present in the facility to accept payment for drop-in children and provide information about the facility/society.
Who can come to C.H.I.P.S events?
Anyone is welcome to attend our community events! All members will receive a 50% discount on admission to any community events. We also will be hosting exclusive members-only parties, so consider becoming a member to not miss out on the fun!
Where is C.H.I.P.S. Located
We are located at 5606 47 St, Wetaskiwin, AB in the old Lynn Lauren Early Education School building.
Who can come to C.H.I.P.S.
Children aged 0-10 years are welcome. Dayhomes, Pre-Schools, and groups that want to book our space for a field trip are also welcome.
Why doesn't CHIPS extend their “season” into an all-year operation?
At CHIPS, we wanted to create a cozy indoor play space for the cold winter months, and truthfully, that's when we are busiest. However, we've realized that our community could really benefit from a safe outdoor play area as well as a continuous educational and social development space. Our outdoor play area is fully fenced and has a shaded spot, plus easy access to our indoor bathrooms. So watch out for special "POP UP" play days in the summer!